Artificial Intelligence

The Future of AI

We’re building the latest in bots from law to cybersecurity.


From a Law Brief that was used in court…

The judge that read the legal brief said it was the best he had ever read.

To the first Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO)

Yes, that’s right while others are working on a virtual SOC analyst, we’re working on the first Virtual Chief Information Security Officer.  We’ve been invited by the National Science Foundation to submit for a seed grant.


cybersecurity workforce deficit


According the the ISC2 Workforce study, there is an alarming shortfall of 4 million cybersecurity professionals globally.  


Meet CompliBot World’s 1st Virtual CISO

CompliBot is the world’s first AI-powered, conversational Deep Learning LLM that answers your Compliance questions and provides explainability, citing where and how the answers were derived.

Check out how people are using CompliBot AI

Our technology innovation centers on the development of a Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) platform, leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence to provide accessible, expert-level cybersecurity and compliance advisory services. This AI-driven vCISO is designed to emulate the strategic thinking and decision-making capabilities of a seasoned cybersecurity expert, making it unique in the realm of automated security solutions.

Automatically Filling Out Vendor Questionnaires for Silicon Valley Startup

MIT robotics startup used CompliBot to analyze their policies and provide remediation feedback

Automatically Filling Out HECVAT for Clery SaaS company

Ready to experience the first vCISO AI?